Healthy Kids Project ECHO® series
Childhood Overweight and Obesity affects one in four Queensland children and is associated with poor long-term health, emotional and social outcomes.
This 7-part free series aims to deliver health professionals the knowledge and tools to increase their skills and confidence in raising the topic of weight with children and their families. It will also provide resources and effective ways to support children and families to build better health and lifestyle habits together.
Session 1: Prevalence of overweight and obesity in children.
Session 2: How to measure and assess weight – the clinical details
Session 3: How to measure and assess lifestyle related behaviours that can affect weight gain (nutrition)
Session 4: How to measure and assess lifestyle related behaviours that can affect weight gain (physical activity and sleep)
Session 5: How to support patients to make changes that can improve their weight
Session 6: Supporting extended or tertiary weight management care.
Session 7: Participant’s choice (participants vote from additional topics).
For more information, contact Health and Wellbeing Queensland.
8:00am - 9:00am,
Thursday 2 March 2023
Health and Wellbeing Queensland
CPD Points Available?
Event Fees?