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Breaking the Barriers – Engaging and responding to patients who use DFV

The Breaking the Barriers – Engaging and responding to patients who use domestic and family violence advanced workshop is 90-minute interactive training session facilitated by Safer Families Centre, University of Melbourne to support general practitioners and clinical primary care provider staff.

This workshop is designed for GPs and primary care providers who already have a base knowledge of how to identify when violence is occurring and safely engage with people who use violence.


The Advanced workshop is for clinical staff only and offer a deeper focus on enhancing confidence to respond safely and sensitively to disclosures of using domestic violence and how to access appropriate referral pathways. It will also cover how to consider the whole family when working with people who use violence.

(If non-clinical staff are interested in learning more about this topic, we encourage you to access our Identifying People who have used Domestic and Family Violence eLearning module)


Tori Cooke: Is a social worker experienced in working with women experiencing FDV, suicide bereavement counselling, AOD counselling and working directly with men using violence and abuse. In the last decade, Tori has worked on a range of initiatives in the men’s family violence space in Victoria as part of the FV Royal Commission reforms.

Dr Wei-May Su: Is an academic GP and supervisor with specific interests in mental health, complexity, and abuse and violence. She continues part time clinical alongside academic roles. She is Academic Lead (GP), facilitating the multidisciplinary Master of Psychiatric Medicine and the Master of Applied Mental Health Studies at HETI Higher Education, Australia. She is co-author of the Royal Australian College of General Practice (RACGP) Guideline of Abuse and Violence (White Book) and is Chair of the RACGP Abuse and Violence in Families Specific Interest Group. She is doing Higher Degree in Research on identifying and engaging people who use interpersonal violence who present in General Practice.

For more information, contact Safer Families Centre.


9:00am - 10:30am,
Wednesday 26 July 2023


Safer Families Centre

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