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Older Persons' Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2021–2026

The Older Persons' Health and Wellbeing Strategy (2021 – 2026) has been jointly developed by PHN and West Moreton Health. The strategy has been developed to guide the way we plan and deliver community, primary and secondary health services to support older people to stay healthy, connected and at home. Additionally, the strategy recognises the important role families and carers play in helping to keep our older population healthy, happy, and fulfilled.

The Plan outlines seven action items developed following extensive consultation with a range of stakeholders including consumers, their family, and carers. In developing the strategy, the current state was examined, the ideal future position was defined, and the required direction to achieve the vision was determined.

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Services we support

Scroll through the below programs to discover how the PHN supports external programs assisting older people in our region.

CiMAS Palliative Care in RACHs

We support in-hours and after-hours palliative care services for residents of residential aged care homes (RACHs).

Learn More
RACH Group Program

A Residential Aged Care Home (RACH) Group Program that helps people with their mental health and wellbeing. It is free and available for people who reside in residential aged care homes.

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After Hours Care with AGES Project

We support after-hours care through the Darling Downs Health Acute Geriatric Evaluation Service (AGES) Model of Care Project.

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Healthy Ageing Support

As you get older, living as independently as possible in your own home and community and having the continued ability to undertake your usual activities of daily living, is extremely important.

Healthy Ageing Support helps connect older people, as early as possible, to the primary care, community and at-home services required so they are able to remain living in their own home for as long as possible.

Healthy Ageing Support services are provided at no cost to the older person as they are fully funded through our PHN.

Learn more about Healthy Ageing Support

Care finder

The aged care system is complex, and some people find it more difficult than others to navigate and access the services they need.

Care finders support vulnerable older people who would not be able to arrange services without intensive support and do not have a family member or friends who can help.

The care finder program is part of aged care reform in response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission and funded nationally through PHNs to improve integration between the health, aged care and other systems at a local level.

Care finder services are provided at no cost as they are fully funded through Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN.

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RACH Nurse Guide

West Moreton Health in partnership with the PHN have developed a comprehensive care guide to assist nurses and personal care staff working in West Moreton residential aged care homes (RACHs).

The aim of the care guide is to:

  • enhance thoroughness of nursing assessments
  • assist in care planning
  • promote early health interventions to prevent avoidable health declines and hospitalisations and keep the elderly in their home environment for as long as possible.
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Dementia Australia services for people living with dementia

Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN have created resources to assist people living with dementia or for family, friends, and carers of people living with dementia.


Need support?

Our Primary Care Liaison team is available to provide one-on-one support.

P: 07 4615 0900

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