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Queensland Dementia, Ageing and Frailty Clinical Network Forum

On behalf of Dr Lisa Kelly, Chair and Drs Aisling Fleury and Stella Lin (Deputy Chairs) of the Queensland Dementia, Ageing and Frailty (QDAF) Clinical Network and Clinical Excellence Queensland, you are invited to the 2023 Queensland Dementia, Ageing and Frailty Clinical Network Annual Forum, to be held at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Education Centre (Auditorium), on Tuesday 9 May from 8:15am – 3pm (Registration from 8:15 – 9am).

In-person forum

After a 3 year hiatus, we are hosting an in-person forum (virtual participation unavailable on this occasion). We have a fantastic program which we hope will entice you to travel to Brisbane.

Keynote address

Our keynote speaker is international frailty expert Professor Kenneth Rockwood, Professor of Medicine at Dalhousie University, Canada and Canadian Institutes of Health Investigator.

Performance from “Sing Sing Sing, Queensland’s first choir for people living with dementia and their carers.

For more information, contact QDAF Clinical Network.


8:00am - 3:00pm,
Tuesday 9 May 2023

Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Education Centre

QDAF Clinical Network

CPD Points Available?

Event Fees?