New mental health support announced for the Southern Downs
July 16, 2024
The Southern Downs region will receive a welcome boost to mental health services, with the Hon Emma McBride Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention and Assistant Minister for Rural and Regional Health announcing a local Medicare Mental Health Centre in Warwick.
Minister McBride said the Warwick Medicare Mental Health Centre was a joint initiative between the Australian and Queensland governments and will provide free access to mental health services in the region.
“Medicare Mental Health Centres provide free mental health care and support, closer to home.” Minister McBride said.
“We are expanding the range and reach of free mental health services, better matching services with people’s needs.
“The new Warwick Medicare Mental Health Centre will offer comprehensive wraparound care for people in need across the Darling Downs and Southern Queensland."
Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN Chief Executive Officer, Ms Lucille Chalmers, said the funding was important to address some of the significant mental health care challenges across the Darling Downs region.
“Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN is delighted with this injection of resources to our region.
“Mental health and suicide prevention is a big concern for the Darling Downs, and we know that Warwick in particular, along with its surrounding areas, is in need of this additional investment,”
The new service will be the third Medicare Mental Health Centre for the Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN region, along with Ipswich and Kingaroy.
“We know from experience with Kingaroy and Ipswich how valuable the process of designing the service with the community is,” said Ms Chalmers.
The PHN will soon commence codesign of the Warwick Medical Mental Health Centre. Stakeholders and community interested in the codesign process should register their interest here or go to www.ddwmphn.com.au/contact-us.
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Left to right: Jeffrey Reeves Nursing Director – Patient Flow at Darling Downs Health, Karen Gordon – Acting Executive Director Toowoomba Hospital, Kym Pryce-Lunt – General Manager ForHealth, Lucille Chalmers – CEO Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN, Hon. Emma McBride MP, and Dr Ajit Bhalla – Clinical Lead ForHealth stand outside the Toowoomba Medicare Urgent Care Clinic following the announcement.