Ribbon cut as Ipswich Medicare Urgent Care Centre opens
August 31, 2023
This week we were thrilled to be a part of the official opening of the Ipswich Medicare Urgent Care Clinic, at Riverlink Medical & Dental Centre in North Ipswich. The Hon. Shayne Neumann, Federal member for Blair; our CEO, Lucille Chalmers; as well as Kim Pryce-Lunt (General Manager, For Health) and Dr Ajit Bhalla (Regional Clinical Director and Urgent Care Clinic Lead, For Health) cut the ribbon to formally mark the start of the new service.
Also attending the opening were representatives from West Moreton Health and Queensland Ambulance Service, who have been collaborators throughout the establishment process.
Riverlink Medical & Dental Centre was selected to provide the Ipswich Medicare Urgent Care Clinic (UCC) service following a detailed selection process earlier this year, which considered things like accessibility of the location, availability of GP services and proximity to the hospital.
Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN CEO Lucille Chalmers said that Medicare UCCs are about increasing access to immediate medical services in our community and avoiding unnecessary trips to the hospital.
“In selecting Riverlink Medical & Dental Centre as the service provider for the Medicare UCC, we considered things like accessibility of the location, availability of GP services and proximity to the hospital,” said Ms Chalmers.
“The Ipswich Medicare UCC is centrally located, with a provider who already has an understanding of, and experience in, providing for the health needs in our area.”
The Medicare UCC will treat urgent injuries and illnesses such as minor infections, fractures and sports injuries, minor cuts and abrasions, insect bites, rashes, respiratory conditions like fevers and coughs, and gastro conditions, like diarrhoea and vomiting. Medicare UCCs won’t be able to see people for major trauma or complex conditions.
Patients will be bulk-billed and able to walk in to use the service at Riverlink from 8am to 10pm, 7 days a week, including on public holidays. Any diagnostic services, such as radiology and pathology, will also be provided with no out of pocket fees to the patient.
The Medicare UCC program is supported by funding from Darling Downs & West Moreton Primary Health Network through the Australian Government’s PHN Program.
People living in the Darling Downs and West Moreton can visit www.FindtheRightCare.com.au to help guide you on the local healthcare options that might be suitable for you.