Translate 2022
Translate 2022 will bring together biomedical researchers, clinicians and the MedTech and clinical trial industries to form new connections and forge new pathways into the clinic. As such, Translate 2022 is where Southeast Queensland’s research, clinical and MedTech industries have the opportunity to intersect.
The conference program will be split into two days – one with a focus on the MedTech industry, and another focusing on clinical trials.
The industry-focused day will take a broad look at how clinicians and researchers can turn to industry to support research translation. It will also provide practical information and advice for MedTech start‑ups, and examine whether scientists have to choose between careers in research or industry.
The clinical trial-focused day will help researchers, and those in the industry to extend their knowledge and skill base, especially in investigator-initiated and early‑phase trials. It will try to form new links between clinicians, researchers and industry.
Translate 2022 will facilitate new collaborations, and help pave new career pathways, for researchers, clinicians and industry. There will be opportunities for networking during both days’ programs, including designated networking event at the end of each day.
The inaugural conference will be held on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 October 2022 at Brisbane’s Translational Research Institute.
If you are a MedTech start-up, a researcher with commercial potential, or a clinician looking for new collaborations, you cannot afford to miss this Queensland-first event!
For more information, contact Health Translation Queensland.
Thursday 6 October 2022
Friday 7 October 2022
TRI Auditorium (Princess Alexandra Hospital Campus) or Online
Health Translation Queensland
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