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Healthed Webcast

COVID Update – A/Prof Paul Griffin

Hear what's new in the ever-changing COVID landscape from one of Australia's leading experts. Make sure you are up-to-date on the latest information on the COVID pandemic. A/Prof Paul Griffin will present the latest developments in terms of the illness and its prevention including information on boosters, and what is new in terms of COVID-19 treatment.

Digital Technology and Impact on the Developing Brain – Dr Rachael Sharman

Credible studies are emerging indicating that increased exposure to tablets, smartphones, and TV in children under age 2 are playing a role in the skyrocketing numbers of children diagnosed with autism and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). As a result, the term “Virtual autism” has emerged to describe the condition that is believed to occur when young children (under the age of three) are exposed to excessive screen exposure. While it is unclear to what degree these symptoms may be reversible this very modern problem is beginning to be seen as a public health issue with very broad implications.

Stroke Prevention and Management Update – Prof Bruce Campbell

Acute stroke management has improved dramatically over recent years, but reducing long-term disability from this condition still relies firstly on prevention but also time to treat. Treatment of acute stroke has been one of medicine's greatest success stories over the last couple of decades. Between dissolving the clot or physically retrieving the thrombus, hundreds of patients with an ischaemic stroke are now being saved from years of disability - but still, time is of the essence. In this talk, neurologist Prof Bruce Campbell outlines the advances in acute stroke management, and the key factors involved in ensuring that patients access appropriate treatment in a timely fashion. In addition, Prof Campbell will give an update on best practice for stroke prevention including blood pressure targets, AF screening and, very importantly, the investigation and management of TIAs.

Spirometry in General Practice – A Practical Guide – Dr Andrew Scroop

Spirometry is an important tool for GPS to differentiate effectively between COPD and asthma. COVID has discouraged the use of our spirometers for the past couple of years. This talk is aimed at brushing up on spirometry skills and interpretation, and Dr Scroop will provide some very practical tips and also some understanding on how best to do this diagnostic procedure in a way that’s COVID-safe.

For more information, contact Healthed.


6:00pm - 8:00pm,
Tuesday 8 November 2022



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