Healthed Webcast
Topics & Presenters
COVID Update – Prof Nancy Baxter
Hear what's new in the ever-changing COVID landscape from one of Australia's leading experts. Make sure you are up-to-date on the latest information on the COVID pandemic. Prof Nancy Baxter will present the latest developments in terms of the illness and its prevention including information on boosters, and what is new in terms of COVID-19 treatment.
Update on the Management of Childhood Nocturnal Enuresis – Dr Danielle Delaney
Nocturnal enuresis is not a benign condition. It can have severe psychosocial repercussions for the child and the family so it is important to ensure that all possible management options are carefully explored and diligently implemented to maximise the chances of success. Treatment options have evolved considerably to include alarms and psychophysiological conditioning which can be very effective but are highly sensitive to user error. The understanding of the pros and cons of pharmacotherapy has also evolved somewhat. Dr Danielle Delaney will provide a practical update on all these aspects of this important condition in this lecture.
Biologics for Asthma – What GPs Need to Know – Dr Greg Katsoulotos
Understanding where biologics fit in the management of severe asthma: their benefits and risks. Biologics represent a major advance in the treatment of severe asthma. For so long, we've only had steroids in our bag of tricks when we're faced with a patient whose symptoms don't respond to the myriad of puffers currently available. Now, we have another option. But where, when and how do we use these new monoclonal antibody therapies. In this presentation, respiratory expert, Dr Greg Katsoulotos will outline the role of biologics in the management of severe asthma (and eosinophilic asthma), as well as ensuring we know which of our patients are most likely to benefit from this new therapy.
Oral Therapy for Iron Deficiency - Tips, Traps and Special Situations – Dr Pradeep Jayasuriya
In this presentation, delegates will learn tips for patients to maximise iron absorption, including foods / supplements to avoid when taking oral iron, how second daily iron dosing can help to minimise side effects without compromising iron absorption, the importance of proactively identifying at-risk groups and intervening with early iron replacement, including in pregnancy, menstruating teenagers, and vegetarians/vegans and considering and excluding alternative causes of iron deficiency in women of childbearing age.
For more information, contact Healthed.
6:00pm - 8:00pm,
Tuesday 11 October 2022
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